Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


Over 500,000 BPOs Completed, Over 3,000 REO Listings Sold, and Over 1,000 Field Inspector Photographers Hired

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Earn Supplemental Income by Becoming a Field Inspection Photographer

Supplement your income today by taking REO and BPO evaluation photos and completing inspection reports. Be your own boss, work independently on your own time, and set your own service areas. Previous photographer experience and Real Estate License is not required.

Want to Learn More About CDCM Capital, LLC?

When You Join CDCM Capital’s Field Inspection Photographer Network, You Make Extra Money and Become Your Own Boss

CDCM Capital is hiring Field Inspector Photographers to service areas across the country. When join our network you become your own boss. Photographers are independent contractors, completely at will. You set your own areas, set your own schedule, and choose which orders you want. We train. Easy web base or App upload. Convenient direct pay provided.

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See it in Action


How Can CDCM Capital, LLC Help Your Business?

Grow BPO Revenue with Confidence

Hire us to create, manage, and compete BPOs your behalf. You never have to drive to the property or pull comps. We do it all for you.

Generate Wealth by Selling REO Listings

Our REO Network accelerates revenue by providing you with established REO clients, training, mentorship, systems, and operations needed to help you achieve your REO goals. Work smarter and grow your REO listing business faster.

Earn Supplemental Income by Becoming a Field Inspection Photographer

Previous photographer experience and Real Estate License is not required. Supplement your income today by taking REO and BPO evaluation photos and completing inspection reports. Be your own boss, work independently on your own time, and set your own service areas.

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