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411 University St, Seattle


Why become an REO Listing Agent?

As interest rates rise, inventory increases, and the foreclosure moratoriums are lifted, an expected wave of REO listings are on the horizon. For those that start now by preparing themselves to receive these listings comes the opportunity to make hundreds of thousands in REO commissions.

How Do you Become an REO Listing Agent?

If you ask any successful REO Listing Agent what the gateway is to become an REO Agent, 99.9% of them will tell you that you must start by completing Broker Price Opinions (BPOs). Most will tell you that they spent years completing thousands of BPOs before they received their first REO listing. But once they did, the flood gates opened. This certainly was the case for us at CDCM Capital.

We completed BPOs for over 3 years before receiving our first REO assignment. Within a month, we had six of them on our desk. Within a year, we were selling an REO every 72 hours making more money in REO commissions than we ever thought possible.


Most agents don’t have the time, energy, or patience to learn the requirements for completing a BPO let alone doing the actual work involved in completing reports. Let’s be honest, who really wants to get in their car, drive across town, take the required photos, head back home, get in front of a computer, pull comps, input data, upload the photos, provide market condition summaries, and provide an opinion of as is value and repaired value.

Let’s not forget, the countless emails and phone calls going back and forth with the client asking for updates and corrections. As you can imagine this can easily take 2 to 3 hours of your day and for what, $35 or $40? For these reasons, most agents give up before ever receiving any REO listings.


Luckily, we at CDCM Capital, LLC have come up with a solution to help agents break into REO by laying the groundwork of completing and managing BPOs for them. Over the last 18 years we have developed and perfected a system of operations that has transformed the way BPO business is done. We will create a successful and profitable BPO business for you with ease by registering your accounts, managing your accounts, completing orders, and providing photos on your behalf.

When you partner with us, our unique hands-free approach will have you generating a steady stream of monthly income that you can depend on for weeks, months, and years to come. Our work is done timely, professionally, and accurately so that our agents receive the highest scoring ratings. Better yet, because of our care and expertise in this field, agents in our network become the preferred REO Agents when the time comes to list and sell the properties.


Why Sign Up?

How Can CDCM Capital, LLC Help Your Business?

Grow BPO Revenue with Confidence

Hire us to create, manage, and compete BPOs your behalf. You never have to drive to the property or pull comps. We do it all for you.

Generate Wealth by Selling REO Listings

Our REO Network accelerates revenue by providing you with established REO clients, training, mentorship, systems, and operations needed to help you achieve your REO goals. Work smarter and grow your REO listing business faster.

Earn Supplemental Income by Becoming a Field Inspection Photographer

Previous photographer experience and Real Estate License is not required. Supplement your income today by taking REO and BPO evaluation photos and completing inspection reports. Be your own boss, work independently on your own time, and set your own service areas.

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